The dipole anomaly corresponds to the
second-leading mode of EOF of monthly mean sea level pressure (SLP)
north of 70°N during the winter season (October–March) and accounts for
13% of the variance. One of its two anomalous centers is stably occupied
between the Kara Sea and Laptev Sea; the other is situated from the
Canadian Archipelago through Greenland extending southeastward to the
Nordic seas. The dipole anomaly differs from one described in other
papers that can be attributed to an eastward shift of the center of
action of the North Atlantic Oscillation. The finding shows that the
dipole anomaly also differs from the “Barents Oscillation” revealed in a
study by Skeie. Since the dipole anomaly shows a strong meridionality,
it becomes an important mechanism to drive both anomalous sea ice
exports out of the Arctic Basin and cold air outbreaks into the Barents
Sea, the Nordic seas, and northern Europe.
When the dipole
anomaly remains in its positive phase, that is, negative SLP anomalies
appear between the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea with concurrent positive
SLP over from the Canadian Archipelago extending southeastward to
Greenland, there are large-scale changes in the intensity and character
of sea ice transport in the Arctic basin. The significant changes
include a weakening of the Beaufort gyre, an increase in sea ice export
out of the Arctic basin through Fram Strait and the northern Barents
Sea, and enhanced sea ice import from the Laptev Sea and the East
Siberian Sea into the Arctic basin. Consequently, more sea ice appears
in the Greenland and the Barents Seas during the positive phase of the
dipole anomaly. During the negative phase of the dipole anomaly, SLP
anomalies show an opposite scenario in the Arctic Ocean and its marginal
seas when compared to the positive phase, with the center of negative
SLP anomalies over the Nordic seas. Correspondingly, sea ice exports
decrease from the Arctic basin flowing into the Nordic seas and the
northern Barents Sea because of the strengthened Beaufort gyre.
finding indicates that influences of the dipole anomaly on winter sea
ice motion are greater than that of the winter AO, particularly in the
central Arctic basin and northward to Fram Strait, implying that effects
of the dipole anomaly on sea ice export out of the Arctic basin become
robust. The dipole anomaly is closely related to atmosphere–ice–ocean
interactions that influence the Barents Sea sector.
Received: April 5, 2004; Final Form: August 14, 2005
Corresponding author address: Bingyi Wu, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences
The latest value: 6,641,095 km2 (October 14, 2014)