23 Kasım 2015 Pazartesi

THE ROADS TO IF ....IS THE IS AN ISLAMIC STATE OR MARAUDERS UNITED VON EUROPA DON'T DO A ISRAEL STATE OF AFFAIRES? ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, and other terrorist groups continue to plan attacks in multiple regions by employing a “wide variety of tactics,” according to theU.S. Department of the Islamic State State Department Issues Worldwide Travel Alert when you go to places don't drink water go to gin faster than light don't be a islamic mad dog drink al kohol it's an arabic word ... U.S. citizens should “exercise they are too fat and go to weight vigilance when in public places or using transportation avoid the mad crowds and mad cows, and crowded places going amok

the islamic state are a bunch of european 

and african yes they can Obama rules 

moronic people 

that take some desert in the middle east

or in the middle earth ruled by the RINGS

DEVELOPING: The alert comes amid information that ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, and other terrorist groups continue to plan attacks in multiple regions by employing a “wide variety of tactics,” according to theU.S. Department of the Islamic State 
State Department Issues 

when you go to places

 don't drink water go to gin faster than light.