TheRaincaller Wombat I have, and if you can't see that then clearly you need to get your eyes checked. Do you really have such a sucky life that you spend your time arguing about God and shooting down other people? I pity you. TheRaincaller neutralhero999 Wombat What?I don't even-- neutralhero999 Wombat @neutralhero999 Why do you hit the fucking enter key so god damn much? Wombat versus neutralhero999 @TonyJ93 Oh, wait...You know what? Let's both cut the crap already and just live on with our lives, I'm sorry about any insult I ever said to you, Tony, And you know what? Let's just be the best men we can be, I mean, you believe what you want, and I'll believe what I want... Sorry if I cramped your fingers, dude. Because I sure cramped mine. neutralhero999 há 1 semana neutralhero999 há 1 semana @TonyJ93 The very fact you think--wait, KNOW there is no god, that right there, is you thinking for yourself. So cut the crap about humans being brainwashed and having inability to think for ourselves because you and I both know that every human came out of their mother's vagina, not because we appeared out of thin air. We were given the authority to name animals, invent shit, learn to speak in different languages, raise up families, and more!... neutralhero999 há 1 semana neutralhero999 há 1 semana @TonyJ93 You know, I'm confused, Are you an atheist of some sort or are you just having trouble explaining to believers or the world that there is no god? Or are you just as confused as the scientists trying to figure out if there are other sentient beings other than us?...
Well ,excuse me for not being American. neutra cooligalgirl What a poor young person you must be. I will say a prayer for your immortal soul.You are obviously a heathen who is in need of salvation. :o) You are surely headed for eternal damnation if you don't change your wicked ways. @cooligalgirl FUCK YOU CHRISTIAN You have absolutely no conception of my beliefs, I don't believe we are related to monkeys, I simply don't believe in a god of any sort. No one knows how we got here, so I'm not basing my theory on a supernatural being that has NO proof of existing. To answer your questions you can we think for ourselves, well obviously, we can't, we are constantly plagued by religious figures to make decisions for us, ultimately making us brainwashed, unable to think for ourselves.
فارس خشان (المستقبل) - عندما انتهى أحد الضليعين في خبايا ملف اغتيال الرئيس الشهيد رفيق الحريري من قراءة التقرير الحادي عشر الصادر عن لجنة التحقيق الدولية، نظر إلى المحيطين به ممن اعتبروا أن لا جديد تحت الشمس قائلا بجدية: إنتبهوا جداً، فها نحن ندخل الحقبة
أين تراه قرأ هذا التطور المذهل في تقرير يكتبهتأسيساً على هذه المنهجية، ما هو الجديد الذي يمكن استنباطه من التقرير الثاني في ولاية دانيال بيلمار؟ ممن يخاف بيلمار؟ يبدو واضحاً أن بيلمار خائف على أفراد لجنته وعلى المعطيات المجمّعة لديها وعلى مقراتها، كما لا يتردد في تكرار مخاوفه على الشهود ومن يسميهم بالمصادر الحساسة (وهؤلاء يمكن أن يكونوا متورطين بصورة أو بأخرى بالجريمة) الذين يملكون معلومات تعتبرها اللجنة على صلة بالتحقيق. وهذه المخاوف لا مبرر لها في حال كان بيلمار مقتنعا بأن الشبكة التي أقدمت على اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري وظهر تورطها في جرائم اغتيال أخرى تدخل ضمن نطاق صلاحية اللجنة، هي كالشبكات التي أقدمت على ارتكاب جريمة تفجير حافلتي عين علق أو مواجهة الجيش اللبناني في مخيم نهر البارد، لأنه في هذه الحالة يكون في وضعية من يضخّم مخاوف وهمية، على اعتبار أنه يعيش هاجساً حيال مسألة أثبت القضاء والأجهزة الأمنية والسلطات الدستورية في لبنان قدرتها على احتوائها وتحمّل مسؤولياتها تجاهها. ولأن لجنة التحقيق الدولية لا تشتري الأوهام، فإن مخاوفها تتخطى السياق الأصولي كلياً وتتمحور حول جماعة أخرى لا تزال، وفق ما كتبه سيرج براميرتس في تقريره ما قبل الأخير، تملك القدرة على التحرك بحرية في لبنان لارتكاب جرائم إضافية. النظام الأمني اللبناني ـ السوري لا براميرتس أفصح ولا بيلمار يفصح عن هوية هذه المجموعة أو هذه الشبكة، ولكن الإثنين يعرفانها تمام المعرفة، لا بل إن بيلمار المُقل في الكتابة إلى درجة أنه يستطيع أن يفتح معهداً للتدريب على أسلوب "الهمس بالتدوين"، قال بصريح العبارة إنه يعرف أفراداً فيها وقد سمح له التعمق في التحقيق بمعرفة أشخاص جدد ينضوون في إطارها. وبالإذن من الحملات التي تعرّضت لها صدقية تقارير المحقق الألماني ديتليف ميليس وباتت تشكل عقدة لدى مجموعة واسعة ممن لا يشككون بها، فإن هذه المجموعة أو هذه الشبكة هي جزء لا يتجزأ من النظام الأمني اللبناني السوري الذي كان يحكم مباشرة، قبل نيسان 2005 لبنان وسوريا، وهو حالياً يحكم سوريا مباشرة ولبنان بصورة غير مباشرة من خلال مخابراته المغطاة بفئات سياسية فاعلة في البلاد. ومن يُدقق في تصريحات كثيرة صدرت عن شخصيات محسوبة على النظام السوري يُدرك تمام الإدراك بأنّ النظام السوري يملك مفاتيح ضرب الاستقرار في لبنان، بدليل أن هؤلاء يعرضون بشكل دائم على اللبنانيين مقايضة استقلالهم الناجز باستقرار بلادهم، من خلال إفهامهم
Eu sei que não posso mudar o mundo já é alguma coisaأصبحت كالجسد الواحد قولاً وفعلاً،
mas sei que posso mudar os pequenos mundos walking on a dream, certo
daquelas pessoas tão ingenuamente equívocadas sem, contudo, lhes retirar aquela genuinidade. esta da genuinidade genuinou-me Proponho-me, então, a levar já vamos saber o quê
o meu saber pois não era a minha 1ª escolha mas... junto daquelas milhares de crianças que agitadamente se vêem levadas até à escola. não percebi queres ser pedófila ou professora? ou ambas??? Oxalá Inshallah إن شاء اللهeu conseguia és allah? mostrar-lhes que afinal Deus não está doente ou está mortinho pelo menos os bambus safam-se
إن شاء الل Have you talked To your imaginary friend today? Like before, Have you asked him to show you the way? Why don’t you trust in someone of flesh and blood instead? Losing time, listening to voices in your head
Embora haja muitas exceções, os novos ateus religiosos mantêm um vínculo afetivo muito forte com esse ideólogo, vendo nele uma espécie de messias que, finalmente, veio destruir a "maléfica religião". Dawkins de algum modo lembra o messianismo português às avessas, uma versão irônica de dom Sebastião à inglesa. É o líder carismático, o qual motiva e enche o brio dos novos ateus, conclamando a manifestarem seu ateísmo como a expressão plena da verdadeira liberdade. Aos poucos seu livro “Deus, um Delírio” torna-se numa espécie de “bíblia atéia”, com direito a maldições, “profecias” e os famigerados “memes”, que são os dogmas.
To rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world, is just as base as to use force." Hypatia (c. 370-415 CE) This site is dedicated to Hypatia , a true martyr for knowledge. She was a mathematician, scientist, philosopher, and the Head Librarian of the Great Library of Alexandria. She was flayed and killed by Christians, and the great library was burned. Cyril, the leader of the Christians, was later made a saint by the Catholic Church
To rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world, is just as base as to use force." Hypatia (c. 370-415 CE) This site is dedicated to Hypatia , a true martyr for knowledge. She was a mathematician, scientist, philosopher, and the Head Librarian of the Great Library of Alexandria. She was flayed and killed by Christians, and the great library was burned. Cyril, the leader of the Christians, was later made a saint by the Catholic Church
oddly there is no "one" theory about god either, in fact anyone can come up with a theory abou thte divine , I have just imagined a giant beaver created the universe, of course i have no proof and i havent even collected any data on the subject , however my theory is already as good as christainity, islam , shinto and other forms on mumbo jumbo. I hope my bizarre unfounded belief wil be afforded all the respect that your bizarre unfounded belief is , and that people will hail me as a prophet. fknnewz há 1 ano Comentários com a classificação mais elevada bnhoppe há 1 ano 5 No, islam is a slightly modified version of christianity, which is a slightly modified version of judaism. But all three religions aknowledge the same stupid book.
oddly there is no "one" theory about god either, in fact anyone can come up with a theory abou thte divine , I have just imagined a giant beaver created the universe, of course i have no proof and i havent even collected any data on the subject , however my theory is already as good as christainity, islam , shinto and other forms on mumbo jumbo. I hope my bizarre unfounded belief wil be afforded all the respect that your bizarre unfounded belief is , and that people will hail me as a prophet. fknnewz há 1 ano Comentários com a classificação mais elevada bnhoppe há 1 ano 5 No, islam is a slightly modified version of christianity, which is a slightly modified version of judaism. But all three religions aknowledge the same stupid book.
YanıtlaSilWombat I have, and if you can't see that then clearly you need to get your eyes checked. Do you really have such a sucky life that you spend your time arguing about God and shooting down other people? I pity you.
TheRaincaller neutralhero999
What?I don't even--
neutralhero999 Wombat
@neutralhero999 Why do you hit the fucking enter key so god damn much?
Wombat versus neutralhero999
Oh, wait...You know what?
Let's both cut the crap already and just live on with our lives,
I'm sorry about any insult I ever said to you, Tony,
And you know what? Let's just be the best men we can be,
I mean, you believe what you want, and I'll believe what I want...
Sorry if I cramped your fingers, dude.
Because I sure cramped mine.
neutralhero999 há 1 semana neutralhero999
há 1 semana @TonyJ93
The very fact you think--wait, KNOW there is no god, that right there, is you thinking for yourself. So cut the crap about humans being brainwashed and having inability to think for ourselves because you and I both know that every human came out of their mother's vagina, not because we appeared out of thin air. We were given the authority to name animals, invent shit, learn to speak in different languages, raise up families, and more!...
neutralhero999 há 1 semana neutralhero999
há 1 semana @TonyJ93
You know, I'm confused,
Are you an atheist of some sort or are you just having trouble explaining to believers or the world that there is no god?
Or are you just as confused as the scientists trying to figure out if there are other sentient beings other than us?...
Well ,excuse me for not being American.
neutra cooligalgirl
What a poor young person you must be. I will say a prayer for your immortal soul.You are obviously a heathen who is in need of salvation. :o) You are surely headed for eternal damnation if you don't change your wicked ways.
@cooligalgirl FUCK YOU CHRISTIAN
You have absolutely no conception of my beliefs, I don't believe we are related to monkeys, I simply don't believe in a god of any sort. No one knows how we got here, so I'm not basing my theory on a supernatural being that has NO proof of existing. To answer your questions you can we think for ourselves, well obviously, we can't, we are constantly plagued by religious figures to make decisions for us, ultimately making us brainwashed, unable to think for ourselves.
nunca mais ninguém falou disto...
YanıtlaSilفارس خشان (المستقبل) - عندما انتهى أحد الضليعين في خبايا ملف اغتيال الرئيس الشهيد رفيق الحريري من قراءة التقرير الحادي عشر الصادر عن لجنة التحقيق الدولية، نظر إلى المحيطين به ممن اعتبروا أن لا جديد تحت الشمس قائلا بجدية: إنتبهوا جداً، فها نحن ندخل الحقبة
أين تراه قرأ هذا التطور المذهل في تقرير يكتبهتأسيساً على هذه المنهجية، ما هو الجديد الذي يمكن استنباطه من التقرير الثاني في ولاية دانيال بيلمار؟
ممن يخاف بيلمار؟
يبدو واضحاً أن بيلمار خائف على أفراد لجنته وعلى المعطيات المجمّعة لديها وعلى مقراتها، كما لا يتردد في تكرار مخاوفه على الشهود ومن يسميهم بالمصادر الحساسة (وهؤلاء يمكن أن يكونوا متورطين بصورة أو بأخرى بالجريمة) الذين يملكون معلومات تعتبرها اللجنة على صلة بالتحقيق.
وهذه المخاوف لا مبرر لها في حال كان بيلمار مقتنعا بأن الشبكة التي أقدمت على اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري وظهر تورطها في جرائم اغتيال أخرى تدخل ضمن نطاق صلاحية اللجنة، هي كالشبكات التي أقدمت على ارتكاب جريمة تفجير حافلتي عين علق أو مواجهة الجيش اللبناني في مخيم نهر البارد، لأنه في هذه الحالة يكون في وضعية من يضخّم مخاوف وهمية، على اعتبار أنه يعيش هاجساً حيال مسألة أثبت القضاء والأجهزة الأمنية والسلطات الدستورية في لبنان قدرتها على احتوائها وتحمّل مسؤولياتها تجاهها.
ولأن لجنة التحقيق الدولية لا تشتري الأوهام، فإن مخاوفها تتخطى السياق الأصولي كلياً وتتمحور حول جماعة أخرى لا تزال، وفق ما كتبه سيرج براميرتس في تقريره ما قبل الأخير، تملك القدرة على التحرك بحرية في لبنان لارتكاب جرائم إضافية.
النظام الأمني اللبناني ـ السوري
لا براميرتس أفصح ولا بيلمار يفصح عن هوية هذه المجموعة أو هذه الشبكة، ولكن الإثنين يعرفانها تمام المعرفة، لا بل إن بيلمار المُقل في الكتابة إلى درجة أنه يستطيع أن يفتح معهداً للتدريب على أسلوب "الهمس بالتدوين"، قال بصريح العبارة إنه يعرف أفراداً فيها وقد سمح له التعمق في التحقيق بمعرفة أشخاص جدد ينضوون في إطارها.
وبالإذن من الحملات التي تعرّضت لها صدقية تقارير المحقق الألماني ديتليف ميليس وباتت تشكل عقدة لدى مجموعة واسعة ممن لا يشككون بها، فإن هذه المجموعة أو هذه الشبكة هي جزء لا يتجزأ من النظام الأمني اللبناني السوري الذي كان يحكم مباشرة، قبل نيسان 2005 لبنان وسوريا، وهو حالياً يحكم سوريا مباشرة ولبنان بصورة غير مباشرة من خلال مخابراته المغطاة بفئات سياسية فاعلة في البلاد.
ومن يُدقق في تصريحات كثيرة صدرت عن شخصيات محسوبة على النظام السوري يُدرك تمام الإدراك بأنّ النظام السوري يملك مفاتيح ضرب الاستقرار في لبنان، بدليل أن هؤلاء يعرضون بشكل دائم على اللبنانيين مقايضة استقلالهم الناجز باستقرار بلادهم، من خلال إفهامهم
Eu sei que não posso mudar o mundo
YanıtlaSiljá é alguma coisaأصبحت كالجسد الواحد قولاً وفعلاً،
mas sei que posso mudar os pequenos mundos
walking on a dream, certo
daquelas pessoas tão ingenuamente equívocadas sem, contudo, lhes retirar aquela genuinidade.
esta da genuinidade genuinou-me
Proponho-me, então, a levar
já vamos saber o quê
o meu saber
pois não era a minha 1ª escolha mas...
junto daquelas milhares de crianças que agitadamente se vêem levadas até à escola.
não percebi queres ser pedófila ou professora?
ou ambas???
Oxalá Inshallah إن شاء اللهeu conseguia
és allah?
mostrar-lhes que afinal Deus não está doente
ou está mortinho
pelo menos os bambus safam-se
إن شاء الل
YanıtlaSilHave you talked
To your imaginary friend today?
Like before,
Have you asked him to show you the way?
Why don’t you trust in someone of flesh and blood instead?
Losing time, listening to voices in your head
Embora haja muitas exceções, os novos ateus religiosos mantêm um vínculo afetivo muito forte com esse ideólogo, vendo nele uma espécie de messias que, finalmente, veio destruir a "maléfica religião". Dawkins de algum modo lembra o messianismo português às avessas, uma versão irônica de dom Sebastião à inglesa. É o líder carismático, o qual motiva e enche o brio dos novos ateus, conclamando a manifestarem seu ateísmo como a expressão plena da verdadeira liberdade. Aos poucos seu livro “Deus, um Delírio” torna-se numa espécie de “bíblia atéia”, com direito a maldições, “profecias” e os famigerados “memes”, que são os dogmas.
YanıtlaSilTo rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world, is just as base as to use force." Hypatia (c. 370-415 CE)
YanıtlaSilThis site is dedicated to Hypatia , a true martyr for knowledge. She was a mathematician, scientist, philosopher, and the Head Librarian of the Great Library of Alexandria.
She was flayed and killed by Christians, and the great library was burned. Cyril, the leader of the Christians, was later made a saint by the Catholic Church
To rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world, is just as base as to use force." Hypatia (c. 370-415 CE)
YanıtlaSilThis site is dedicated to Hypatia , a true martyr for knowledge. She was a mathematician, scientist, philosopher, and the Head Librarian of the Great Library of Alexandria.
She was flayed and killed by Christians, and the great library was burned. Cyril, the leader of the Christians, was later made a saint by the Catholic Church
oddly there is no "one" theory about god either, in fact anyone can come up with a theory abou thte divine , I have just imagined a giant beaver created the universe, of course i have no proof and i havent even collected any data on the subject , however my theory is already as good as christainity, islam , shinto and other forms on mumbo jumbo. I hope my bizarre unfounded belief wil be afforded all the respect that your bizarre unfounded belief is , and that people will hail me as a prophet.
YanıtlaSilfknnewz há 1 ano Comentários com a classificação mais elevada
há 1 ano 5 No, islam is a slightly modified version of christianity, which is a slightly modified version of judaism.
But all three religions aknowledge the same stupid book.
oddly there is no "one" theory about god either, in fact anyone can come up with a theory abou thte divine , I have just imagined a giant beaver created the universe, of course i have no proof and i havent even collected any data on the subject , however my theory is already as good as christainity, islam , shinto and other forms on mumbo jumbo. I hope my bizarre unfounded belief wil be afforded all the respect that your bizarre unfounded belief is , and that people will hail me as a prophet.
YanıtlaSilfknnewz há 1 ano Comentários com a classificação mais elevada
há 1 ano 5 No, islam is a slightly modified version of christianity, which is a slightly modified version of judaism.
But all three religions aknowledge the same stupid book.
andas bloqueadinho sabias????
YanıtlaSiltás velhote
ah tás tás